Tips for being
a good driving coach...
Parents play
a critical role in the driver education process. Follow these
tips to help your teen develop safe driving habits.
with your teen. Plan for as much supervised practice behind the
wheel as possible. Its the key to helping your
teen develop skills to become a safe driver.
a goal for each session. For example, you may want your teen to
focus on identifying potential hazards ahead or
accelerating and braking smoothly.
Take regular
breaks. Stop every 20 minutes or so and review the past few minutes
of driving to help your teen process the
experience. If your teen did something dangerous
behind the wheel, explain why and discuss potential consequences.
Agree on how
to communicate before you drive. For example, establish that the
word right will be used as the opposite
of left rather than as an affirmation
Keep it interesting.
Change the time of day, driving conditions and routes to allow
your teen to gain confidence in diverse
Try out progressively
more challenging driving situations. These can include parking
garages, urban areas and interstate
driving, for example.
Use commentary
driving. This means having your teen drive and provide feedback
about any object or event you
encounter that could result in the need to
change speed, direction or both.
Be patient.
You and your teen may become stressed during these sessions. Remaining
relaxed and even-tempered
can go a long way toward reducing your new
drivers stress and help improve driving skills.
Be positive.
Remember to point out and reinforce good driving behavior.
